Let our professional team of legal support specialists and our nation-wide network handle all of your service of process needs.
First attempts and actionable information delivered fast.
We serve the right person, the right way, or not at all.
Competitive pricing. Pay only for the services you use.
Experienced Service of Process Professionals.
We cut our teeth in the service of process business by serving evasive defendants for financial institutions and creditor’s rights law firms. We have a proven track record of accurate and professional service of process for complicated cases involving multiple defendants.
We’re based out of New Mexico but offer Nationwide Service!
Old School Profession. New School Technology
We are constantly finding and producing our own technological tools to serve you better. In many cases, we can provide online case tracking, GPS tracking, and photos. If you require something specific, we’ll do our best to adapt to fit your needs!
Customer Service Focused Flexibility and Adaptability.
While we specialize in large firms and complicated cases, we welcome and love working with small firms and private citizens. Each file we take represents a contract to us to provide the best service we can. Contact us now for a quote.